The second page of Death Machine, click for higher rez. And because I couldn't resist, here's a detail of the coffee monster in the last panel. Click for a bigger versions. This sucker was loads of fun to draw!
Another major push on Frown Town production brings the total to five heads (there's been another couple rounds since then, actually, so their numbers have swollen even more). They start out as giant foam blocks we glue together and trace the templates onto. Fancy lads, little sleep, larval beards.
Photos from the first Frown Town puppet head production day. We got the foam for the heads from couch cushions salvaged in the Mission. I am half Klingon. Steven Foundling & children Waving for the camera. The locker of dismembered puppet children. On the top shelf is the felt we'll use for the hair, and on the second from the top shelf is the fleece which will become their skin.