Thursday, July 30, 2009

Frown Town Group Shot

Hey hey, the gang's all here. Click for larger image.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ashcan Magazine Illustrations

Three spot illustrations for a short horror story in Ashcan Magazine.

Website Redesign & Doppelganger

The Doppelganger's done and located here on my completely redone website. Saunter over to the miscellany page, or check out the new layout for the comics section. I'm going to be fixing up the look of the the misc subsections in the coming weeks, I've got a few ideas for improving their look and navigation (and scanning more Grandville illustrations and stamp collections!).

Monday, July 6, 2009

Frown Town head guides

The Doppelganger comic is essentially done, but for a few continuity corrections. I'll post it here soon, along with a much needed website reorder and revamp. In the mean time, below are some of the cut out guides for the puppet heads, all of them with and without hair and accessories. These are based on a series of sculpey moquettes I've been making the last couple of months from the original concept sketches. I don't have a nice camera or a competent photographer handy (I'm about as far as you can get), so I'll post a picture later.